The Ecstasy of Wanting, Standard Edition
Full/Crescent Press, 2019
ISBN: 978-0-9859966-5-9
Desire is a guiding force.
The ecstasy of wanting
draws us all to the feast....
Using meticulous detail related to the anatomical structure of birds—here, the syringe-like beak and slender tongue of a hummingbird—Lambert offers strange and subtle insight to the lives of human beings. The greatest wound, she tells us in “Blood Feather,” is often the same as the greatest gift. But not always. There are/times a wound just bleeds, its own gaping. Alternately poignant, meditative (The answer to every inhale/is an exhale. The answer to every breath is to breathe,) and insistently hopeful (This is my manifesto: hear me. Listen to the light that guides us!) the poetry in this collection is as lovely as the book itself.
The Ecstasy of Wanting, Standard Edition
Full/Crescent Press, 2019
ISBN: 978-0-9859966-5-9
Desire is a guiding force.
The ecstasy of wanting
draws us all to the feast....
Using meticulous detail related to the anatomical structure of birds—here, the syringe-like beak and slender tongue of a hummingbird—Lambert offers strange and subtle insight to the lives of human beings. The greatest wound, she tells us in “Blood Feather,” is often the same as the greatest gift. But not always. There are/times a wound just bleeds, its own gaping. Alternately poignant, meditative (The answer to every inhale/is an exhale. The answer to every breath is to breathe,) and insistently hopeful (This is my manifesto: hear me. Listen to the light that guides us!) the poetry in this collection is as lovely as the book itself.